Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter
This was a top of the Santa list item for my 10 yr old 75lb son. He loves it!!! The option of using or not using the seat for only a bit more money was a wise choice. It was so easy to assemble as most of it was already put together. The maximum weight allows me to ride with him and we have had soooo much fun. It does not maintain speed with more weight going up hill but I think anyone would expect that. Huge factor was the tires. We did not want little skimpy inline skate wheels because with boys, they will go over just about anything. These tires will not stop the scooter causing it to flip like with those little wheels. The pneumatic larger actual tires allow for a bump and continued traveling. It was the hit of Christmas morning. All the kids in the family wanted to ride and did!!! It has been ridden so much in such a short time and we have had no problems like with other scooters reviewed. Great purchase and with the Amazon Prime no shipping, the price far beat out all others I looked at. I would encourage others to purchase this product if you are in the market.