วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

# Big Save on Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set In Stock for sale. Fast & Free Shipping Orders Now.

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD Set

Got the DVDs and starting using Zumba last week and I LOVE IT! Time will tell what it does for my weight/waistline but in my humble opinion anything that gets the inner fat ass in you moving is a good thing. I've got a bunch of other videos, Turbo Jam, Shape workouts, The Firm, Jeanette Jenkins, etc and was happy to add Zumba to my collection - again, anything that gets me off my couch and moving is a good thing. I find the videos challenging and I definitely work up a sweat - was I soaking sweaty? NO but even the 20 minute work-out worked up moisture. The point is, are you looking for a different and fun way to work out? are you open minded enough to try the steps and willing to work at them until you get them right (and even if you never get them right, willing to keep doing it). If your answers are "yes" then I highly recommend Zumba - unless you have absolutely ZERO coordination, you will be able to do the workout - will you move as smoothly as the folks on the video? probably not but then again, do you ever look like the folks in the videos? probably not.
Give it a chance! But as others suggested, buy it directly from Zumba - why pay more than what the creator of Zumba is charging?

